Tuesday, June 7, 2016

#178: Chicago Blues Scene (Page 626)

June 4, 2016
After eating dinner at Arun's, we were only 5 miles or so from Halstead Ave in the South Side of Chicago, so I couldn't be this close and not hit up the Chicago Blues Scene.  We headed to Kingston Mines first.

The entrance where they collect your $15 cover charge.

Saturday night's acts were Sugar Blue and Nora Jean Bruso

Inside, it is set up with two stages. Here is the stage for Sugar Blue (on break), while Nora Jean was singing her heart our on the stage on the other side. Then when she goes on break, this stage comes alive. It's a decent size inside with a fun, festive, clean atmosphere.

And then just for fun, we checked out one more club.

But this one just from the outside.

Verdict: No. Well, at least not for someone (like me) who doesn't particularly love the Blues or hanging out in bars. But hey, if Blues and Bars are your thing, then Halstead Ave, is definitely worth a stop while in Chicago.

#177: Arun's (Page 624)

June 4, 2016
After living in Chicago from 1980-1994 and then countless visits back, sometimes for a weeks at a time from 1994-2014 while my parents still lived there, I still never made it to Arun's. My husband flew me to Chicago for a birthday weekend with girlfriends and they finally helped make this happen for me!

Me with my friend, Veronica

And my friend Kelly

Arun's is "a showcase for Thai food as creative haute cuisine - a concept that didn't exist before this place opened in the mid-1980's."
You have two choices: You can choose the 10-course meal for $85 or the 12-course meal for $100.
We went for the 12-course!
And this was course #1.

Course #2

Course #3

Course #4

Course #5

Course #6 (the last of the appetizers)

Courses 7-10 are served family style

Courses #11 and 12 are the two desserts
Dessert #1

And Dessert #2

And as a bonus, since I was celebrating a birthday, we actually got an extra dessert!

Verdict:  No.  The service was great, so no complaints there. But the food was just so-so. Now, maybe it was because I had an ear infection and a raging case of cellulitis at the time, making it painful to chew and difficult to fully immerse myself in the experience, but I heard they took this out of the "revised" edition of the book and I can see why.
But the company I was with?.... can't be beat. 5 stars for Sure!


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