July 16, 2017
Naturally, most people are inclined to pronounce this lovely place as Willa-mette. But a few weeks before venturing out to Oregon, I was talking to a friend of mine who is from Oregon, and she quickly corrected me. "It's WillAmette. Like Dammit." That's an easy way to remember it!
Testing out the product straight from the vine..... I approve!
There are several thousand acres that make up Willamette Valley and every where you look, it seems there is a vineyard to go along with it.
Verdict: Willamette Valley is lovely. It's quaint, it's charming, it's classy and had a relaxing vibe to it. If you were a wine lover and were here for a weekend without kids, staying at a bed and breakfast at/by a vineyard, I can see thinking to yourself, "This is a must do experience." But since I don't drink (and admittedly, that was a little painful for me here since I'm such a grab-life-by-the-horns-and -experience-all-you-can type of person), and I was with my 6 yr old daughter and just passing through, that wasn't my experience. So, while I could appreciate the beauty, I didn't leave thinking it should have made the list.