Then.... along came Julie & Julia
. I was watching this movie recently, thinking how cool it was that she blogged about her adventure through Julia Child's book. Shortly thereafter, it hit me! I could do the same thing with "1000 Places To See Before You Die!" But obviously a recipe is much easier to do than, say a balloon safari over Masai Mara, so I would need to make some adjustments. Further, I must admit, I was a bit disappointed when I first realized that Patricia Schultz hasn't actually done all the things in her book that she says you have to do before you die! What? And then, after I started doing them, I would go somewhere and think to myself, "What in the heck was she thinking by putting this in there? I definitely could have died without doing this." Likewise, I would experience something and excitedly go to my book to check it off, thinking undoubtedly this MUST be in the book..... when it was nowhere to be found. But as Ms. Schultz says in her introduction, "In the seven years it took me to research and write this formidable project, I was reminded time and again that travel is always personal, and that no two people walk away from the same experience with the same memories."
So, with all of this in mind, I have decided to start my own personal checklist of things I have actually experienced. As of today, I have done 96 of the 1000 Places in Patricia Schultz's book. So, I will write about those experiences, but I will intermix them with things that I would add to my own personal book. I will make a blog not of "Places To See", but of Places I Have Seen. I hope travelers out there will add some of these experiences to their travel lists and I hope to create a checklist to pass on to my children. So..... here goes!
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