Hundreds of times over the span of my life: I can't put a date here like I usually do because I started going to DC as a very young child to visit my Aunt and Uncle that lived in the area. We came out almost every year from the time I was four until I was in Junior High. Then I moved to the area for a year (1998-1999) and then moved back in 2005 and remain in this area now (2011), so I have been to DC many, many, many times. But I still love it. And I love showing it to my kids. Here I am with my 2-year old and baby in 2009 in front of the White House.

And this is in 2006, during the Cherry Blossom festival - a gorgeous time to walk around the Tidal Basin!

With my Dad

The Washington Monument in the background

The WWII Memorial, meaningful to me because, among other things, my grandfather faught in this War.
Verdict: ABSOLUTELY! And when you go inside the monuments, read the words of our founding fathers inscribed on the walls. Very moving.
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