June 13, 2011. I have lived just 71 miles from Gettysburg for the past 6 years, and yet, I have never been there..... until today. Here we (me with my 3 kids, ages 4, 2 1/2, 7 months) are at the entrance of the Gettysburg National Military Park Museum and Visitor Center. This is a brand new, beautiful building. I highly recommend starting your Gettysburg experience here. After purchasing tickets ($10.50 for adults, $9.50 for Seniors age 65 and over, $6.50 for Youth 6-18 Free for kids 5 and under), you can see a 20 minute video "New Birth of Freedom" in a beautiful theatre followed by viewing the amazing Cyclorama Painting. There is also a Museum in here with interactive exhibits and a "Refreshment Saloon" that includes Civil War-era food on the menu.

The train station where Lincoln arrived, 4 months after the Battle of Gettysburg, to give his famous speech, dedicating the field as a "final resting place..."
The David Wills House. This is where Lincoln was when he put the final touches on his Gettysburg Address and where he stayed the night before giving the Address.

The plaque commemorating the sight of where Lincoln's Address was given.
Verdict: When I came home tonight, my husband asked me whether or not I thought this really should be one of the "1000 Things to do Before You Die." My answer: "Yes. IF you are an American. I don't necessarily think this battlefield is a place you have to see if you don't live in America and have no ties to America. BUT, if you do, it's a must see. It has such significance in our history.
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