Friday, April 11, 2014

#147: Cha Ca La Vong (Page 507; Listed as "The Food Scene in Hanoi" in 2nd Ed, pg 633)

If you look through the doorway of this picture, you can see a stairway on the left.  When entering the doorway, we were told to walk up that stairway.

And we found a VERY small room with only a few tables surrounded by this decor.  Love it!

And here is the restaurant's most famous - and only- dish.  At your table, you can cook seasoned garoupa fish on this heating palate and stir in chives and dill and such.  Rumor has it that there is a secret ingredient.... two drops of an essence extracted from the perfume gland of the ca cuing beetle.  Not sure if I believe that, but I always love a good story!

Verdict:  While I do think that the Old Quarter is a Must Do and that must include eating in the Old Quarter, I don't necessarily think this place, while charming, fun and eccentric, a "Must See" before you die.

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