Friday, July 5, 2019

#266: Bairro Alfama (2nd Ed, pg 240)

June 30, 2019
My first time in Portugal!

A beautiful country with my beautiful girls!

Here we are hiking up to the castle overlooking the Bairro Alfama

And then walking through it. 
There weren't any great places to take pictures, honestly.  There were a bunch of stalls throughout the neighborhood with lights and taps for drinks and places where you could clearly see were make-shift bars and places where people would play music.  But to be honest, there really wasn't anything noteworthy about the place during the day.

Climbing around Castle of St. George, where King Alfonso Henriques erected a royal castle after the city was recaptured in 1147.

Standing guard!

Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!

Verdict:  No.  To be honest, if this entry would have been listed as "Castelo de Sao Jorge", I might have made this a yes.  We loved the castle and it was well worth the price of admission (10 Euros/adult and kids were free).  But the entry is titled "Bairro Alfama" and then just makes mention of this castle, the "protective shadow" over the neighborhood of Alfama.  Alfama may be a totally different experience at night - it looks like it probably is.  But at least during the day, it's just a nice walk down some steep streets and twisting alleyways.... not something you need to do before you die.

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