March 7, 2020
I guess we lucked out. Just days before the whole world came to a screeching halt and everything under the sun got canceled..... we headed to the Travel Adventure Show in DC because I heard that Patricia Schultz was going to be there. And after basing this entire blog off of the book that she wrote, I headed down to DC hoping to meet my literary travel mentor!
My kids became animals in South Africa.
And got henna in India.
And polka danced in Poland.
But most importantly...... I met Patricia Schultz!
She graciously talked to me and signed my book.
And my daughter Riley wanted in on the action too.
Riley got her to sign the "new" edition.
As I mourn all my canceled trips (I should be in LA right now as I type this seeing Dolly Parton and lots of other LA sights and sounds...... I should be in NYC next weekend..... for now everything canceled. Everything permanently "on hold")..... I'm reflecting back on last weekend and glad that at least that was able to take place by the skin of it's teeth and so grateful to have had the opportunity to already have had so many travel experiences. I hope and pray this passes quickly and life can return to normal and that many travel experiences are yet to come.
But as long as the whole world is closed..... I'm spending a little more time on IG and this brought a smile to my face..... Patricia Schultz responded to my (kls118) comment on her page....
And commented on mine!
And what sage advice during these uncertain times..... Carry on!
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