Sunday, October 10, 2010

#41: Hill Tribes of Northern Thailand (Page 500)

July, 2004: Here I am with my friend Tiffany hiking to one of Chiang Mai's hill tribes. The scenery is breathtakingly beautiful.
Can you imagine walking on this bridge in the USA?? We loved the adventure of it, but seriously held our breath and just hoped it didn't fall apart beneath us!

Passing by a member of one of the local hill tribes on our way to the villiage.

Look at this sweet little baby all wrapped up and sleeping in this home-made bassinet.
There are several local companies that provide guides to go on "treks" into the jungles where the hill tribes live. Most of the treks leave from Chiang Mai. The hill tribes are fascinating because it literally is like going back in time hundreds of years. No plumbing, no electricity, no modern conveniences. But they are happy to sell you some of their hand-made trinkets and to let you walk around and explore.
Verdict: Absolutely one of my favorite experiences in Thailand and absolutely something I would recommend to everyone going to visit this country!

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