February 2000: I was living in Las Vegas and the guy I was dating at the time and I decided to drive to and from Grand Canyon in a day since neither of us had ever seen it. As
1000 Places to See Before You Die states, "Few things in this world produce such awe as one's first glimpse of the Grand Canyon." I couldn't agree more.

Nearly every good picture I have of this trip is obviously with my then boyfriend, but now that I am happily married to someone else, I didn't really want to post any of those pictures, so my pictures, unfortuanely are slim pickings! It doesn't really matter since pictures don't do it justice. You just have to see this in person!

Nature worked on this for billions of years.... and it was worth the wait!
Verdict: Absolutely one of the most amazing visual experiences on Earth. I absolutely hope to go back again with my husband and kids and to stay for several days.
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